Sunday 8 May 2011

Ketchup + Awkward Eye Contact = Huge Ego Booster

Ever have those days where you didn’t expect something to happen that makes you smile and it just makes you smile even more? Yeah that happened to me this week. I was hanging out with my sister and a few of my close friends doing errands and we got happens lol. So we went to 5 Guys, Burgers and Fries.
For those who do not know, I love ketchup...actually LOVE it! There wasn’t enough ketchup at the table for the amount of fries there was to eat, so naturally I go and get some more from the dispenser up front. So I’m minding my own business getting my ketchup and this guy comes up beside me and uses the other ketchup dispenser. He looked in his mid-twenties, tall, a little stubble, and of course pretty dang cute. We make quick eye contact and I look away (eye contact makes me SUPER nervous and I freak out on the inside). Then I noticed he missed dispensing the ketchup into his container and he says “oops, I guess I wasn’t paying attention” while he was looking at me. Guess what I said?! “It’s all good” and I walked away. Who says that when a guy is trying to make small talk? Clearly this girl does! So we’re eating away and I turned around and there was the same guy sitting behind me, so I flashed him my pearly whites and he showed me his (that’s probably sounds dirtier than intended so get your mind out of the gutter for goodness sake!) Oh and he had a little toddler with him too! Good thing I love kids!! I totally thought of a pickup line...something like "Hey, so I like kids" or something like that lol. So to keep it short I got giddy while I ate then when we finished we got up to leave. We walked by his table and I smiled at him and he smiles back but again I can’t keep eye contact for much longer than a second. My sister said that as we walked away she saw that he kept his eyes on me smiling.
So I’ll probably never see him again or if the one in a million chance that it happens I may or may not remember his face... oh well. It wasn’t a huge deal except the fact that it made my day and I looked so scruffy that day (baggy-but-cute shirt, hair in a pony and minimal make up). Gotta love things like that, total boost to the ego! And in honour of speaking of egos and my close friends that I was with that day here’s a little BeyoncĂ©...Promise me you dance to this while you watch it. (and for those who are super sensitive I'm sorry if this is too hawt for you to handle lol)

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